Sunday, September 7, 2008

Spanish Fork 5K

Hatalee and her friend Megan who ran with her.

Saturday morning Hatalee and I ran in the Spanish Fork 5K with a couple of friends. Hatalee took 3rd place in her age division, won a $50.00 gift card to Target, and I won a new MP3 Player. It was a good experience and I am so proud of Hatalee for finishing. She was so excited to receive her 3rd place ribbon and the gift card of course. Now she just can't decide how to spend it.


Sydney said...

Nice job Hatalee! Miranda I never knew you were such a runner. Way to go both of you. From Jared :)

mena said...

O.K so is everyone running now a days except for ME? I need to get with it I guess. Very nice Miranda.

Staiger Smiles said...

Way to go Miranda!!

Grandma Nancy said...

Way to go Hattie. That is awesome that you ran the 5K with your Mom.

Shellee said...

way to go! I need to do more of that.

Congrats to Hatalee on her running. I can think of a few ways to spend that gift card...

wild murdocks said...

Hatee, you ROCK! The boys would be in a dream land with 50 dollars to spend! And Miranda, it sounds like you didn't do too shabby if you won an MP3 player--super cool. You ladies are going to kick hiney in Logan.

Unknown said...

congratulations you two! that is so cute that you ran it together! i wish i could have been there! love you

McKell said...

I love that Hatee ran the Spanish Fork race wearing a SPRINGVILLE junior high t-shirt. But really I couldn't be more proud. Hatee has me nervous, I guess I will start running a bit more. If she can't think of how to spend her gift card, tell I will buy it from her for $15. ;)

the lunch lady said...

way to go!!! I'm so impressed!

Chalan said...

Wow, well done Miranda! I must say i'm impressed. I need to get with it. I better start running with Mena :)

Debra said...

wowser! I love that Hatalee is running with you, and a 5k?! You girls are so amazing.

Good job!

Saucy Lady said...

Wait to go, that is great!! I love that you did that together.

Marshall Family said...

Good for you guys! Congrats Hatalee on the 3rd place finish.