Monday, December 8, 2008

Making Gingerbread Houses

Mom and I found these really cute, little gingerbread house kits this year. We thought they would be great for the kids since they lose interest so fast, and the adults always end up finishing the houses. The kids loved them untill Ty Ty started calling them "outhouses" because they were so small. Thanks Ty. In the end they were just the right size for the kids, they had fun decorating and eating all of the candy, and they don't look like "outhouses"!


Staiger Smiles said...

They are so cute! Perfect size. I will be calling you to see where you got them. Love this time of year!

McKell said...

They aren't outhouses, they are the servants houses who work in my mansion! Duh.

TyandBre said...

Well they were the cutest outhouses you've ever seen once we finished decorating them! Better than Ty's Barbie gingerbread house... :)

Shellee said...

alright- where did you find them?

They look perfect for my a.d.d kids. And me.

the lunch lady said...

those are so cute!

tiffy girl said...

so cute! we did houses at nancy's on thanksgiving and the kids loved it. btw happy late late birthday!