Thursday, April 16, 2009

Snow for Spring Break?!

What do you do for Spring Break, when you wake up to this?
You take the kids for haircuts and and pray for the sun to come out! Tommorow were headed to Moab, hopefully it will be warm with NO SNOW!


miranda said...

Ihate the snow too! It needs to stop or this should be called christmas break instead of spring break!

wild murdocks said...

What the?

Come on down, no snow here!

TyandBre said...

Cute hair cuts, girls. Have fun in Moab!

Unknown said...

oh. that makes me SO depressed. but not moab... have fun! love you guys

J. Melody said...

I admit it makes me feel a bit better that everyone else got a dose of snow too. For once, it wasn't just us. I wish we were on our way to Moab with you. But I can't bail on another 5k. I must conquer it. Have Fun!!

Shellee said...

Seriously, can spring just get here. We had the same crappy weather during our cpring break. I didn't know what to do with them, so I sent them to the neighbors. haha

Chalan said...

You've got to love Utah weather! Hope you had fun in moab.

McKell said...

That is gross. I am thouroughly disgusted. I can't come back to that!

McKell said...

I didn't mean their harcuts, I realize that could be taken wrong. LOVE the haricuts and can't wait to see those kiddos, HATE the snow and hope it is gone.