Friday, August 8, 2008

Logan 5K- Here we come! Any Takers????

Todd and Ash are running in the Logan Marathon next month, so we being such dedicated siblings decided to show our support and run the 5K. Hatalee even signed up and has been leaving me in the dust on our runs. Good Luck Todd and Ash!


TyandBre said...

Wow, do we look hard-core or what!? My favorite part about running is stopping at Glade's afterwards to get a corndog and a milk shake. YUM YUM! :)

McKell said...

We're so Hard-core I can't even stand it.

J. Melody said...

We must get matching decor for the race...headbands like Ty's to show how hard core we really are?

tiffy girl said...

good luck on the race! It will be fantastic. I am feeling like such a lazy bum after running the half marathon last august. oh well, there are lots more races out there.

wild murdocks said...

You guys are rad. I'm jealous! I'm especially jealous of Ty's head band. I didn't know they still existed. But when you have flowing hair, they're a must. Ty, for the race, please wear the headband, short,short running shorts, and tube socks pulled up to your knees...thad be funny

go hatee!

Newty said...

Maren looks like she's been doing some "Hardcore" drugs in that picture. She gets that look from her daddy I guess.

Saucy Lady said...

Good job.  Keep it up, That is great!!!!!

Marshall Family said...

I'm so excited for you. I do agree that all of you should wear the matching headbands. Love it!

Unknown said...

oh yes, this is awesome!! i'm just so damn proud! don't tell my mom and dad that i swore.

balletkitten said...

hey! this is Jessica Ranquist. I just wanted to let you know that I started a blog about Drake and his mission...with some extra family info! If you want to check it out, it's

please leave comments!!! I'm going to show my parents on my dad's birthday next week (Aug 20th) and think it would be cool to have some! thanks!!!
p.s. i'm trying to find people's blogs, but please spread the word!

Cheree said...

That is so awesome. What a great goal to shoot for, and to involve your daughter.